Global warming alarmists are willing to sacrifice the global economy to reduce CO2?

But where are they now that the economy is moving back up and CO2 emissions have increased? Well, are backing their own emissions reduction targets, and yet, still pointing to foreign competitors who say they are extremely air pollution, now more than ever. China is a major culprit in CO2 emissions, and has seen a large increase and India also, though to a much lesser degree.

There was an interesting article recently written by Jeff McMahon in his "The ingenuity of Commons" blog on the Forbes blog network on May 30, 2011. The article was filed under the category of Technology, entitled: "An economic indicator is triggered to record levels: carbon emissions" - and declared that;

"If carbon emissions from energy use indicate that economic growth, the global economy is roaring again. In 2010, carbon dioxide, energy production erased a fall of 2009 and exceeded the previous record set in 2008 , 5 percent, according to an estimate published yesterday by the International Energy Agency. "

Can we trust the data given any international organization, especially if their leaders are usually based European? I would say no, after seeing the global warming alarmists use deceit and political tricks to boost its research agenda. What I mean by tricks of policy research to promote an agenda?

It's really simple, and many political think tanks do this all the time, the Commission of Inquiry with a particular conclusion, they are seeking. If the investigation is biased manner appropriate to their data, maintain it, if they are not forgotten, and often hire a research group that is "exactly" what you are looking for - practical right? Once sufficient information is available if the data has been manipulated, or graphics and paintings have been exhibited in such a way to prove his point, then used as a scientific and empirical evidence for their cause.

Now, what worries me about this is that there are some environmental groups, who have taken the issue of global warming as a religion, and perfectly willing to reduce the world economy in the hope of reducing CO2 emissions no matter what the economic damage is done, no matter how many people lose their jobs or the number of people in how many countries are starving because they can not buy food because they can not find a job. In fact I hope you will consider this and think.

Global warming alarmists are willing to sacrifice the global economy to reduce CO2?

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